So... I just build a new site!

October 14, 2024

Just a little update for I just restored the equilibrium of this site—sort of 😂, now this site will be dedicated for all technical writings I find interesting and worth to share!

You know, for the last couple of years, I’ve been really fascinated by the linguistic study, the syntax, sentence structure, phonetics, grammar rules and how can I utilize those part of linguistic to create a beautiful literature, poem, haiku, etc.

But I haven’t dedicated some serious time studying those, and this last 2 months I think, that spark within me somehow at a peak level, and I always have a mood to practice writing, and learning deeper about linguistic, therefore, to maintain this momentum and hopefully be consistent with it, I built a dedicated site for that!

And the site is: https://juxtaprosa.com! Well—I actually write a little bit about the motivation, the reason behind the name Juxta Prosa, and what plan I have with that here: https://juxtaprosa.com/essays/a-word-about-juxta-prosa

But tl;dr, the reason I created the Juxta Prosa site is to create some sort of medium for me, to continue practicing and evaluating my linguistic and literary progress, to see how much I’ve learned, how much influences from authors whose books I read reflected on my writings, how far my vocabulary has grown, and more!

And also I have moved all my practice writings from here to there, so except for all the technical writings, it’s all there on their new home.

That being said, this site will return back to its original idea, a place where I can write freely about some technical problem I find interesting, new tech I learned, and something something about computer thingies as ever!

And with that that being said, the site Juxta Prosa written in NextJS, with gray-matter and smartypants remark plugin, and all other libs I glued together as always—So, I think I will create a writeup about how I build that site, as a mark for this site being rebooted—so to speak..

Well, see yah!

Rizal Fakhri

This is personal blog by Rizal Fakhri.
Everything written here is my opinion, this is my safe space, you don't get a say, period.